I'm sitting in a little cafe called Stardust in Winter Park, FL, across the street from an awesome record store called Park Ave. CDs, where I just dropped some non-existent lootcakes on some much-desired music. (Yeah, new Deftones!) Across the table from me is my lovely friend, Erin. We met on Warped Tour in 2007. She was kind enough to pick me up from the airport yesterday and put me up for the night. (Thank you, Erin!)
Oh yeah, I forgot to mention... I had to leave the Alexisonfire/Trash Talk/Therefore I Am/La Dispute tour to join the Country Throwdown Tour. I neglected to tell you all because I was in a bit of denial. I didn't wanna leave, man! Best time ever! However, bills must be paid my friends. Plus, I get to hang with some pretty sweet people on Throwdown from my Warped family, so there you have it; the decision made itself. I don't wanna talk about it. Anyways! That being said, there's still more story to tell from the last few days, both about tour and about how awesome Erin is. My friend Erin, not me... Yeah.
So yesterday I spent the better part of the day on an airplane from San Francisco to Atlanta, then Atlanta to Orlando, where Erin picked me up and bought me a veggie burger from Burger King. Then she brought me to her band practice and serenaded me. I had never had the chance to hear any of her music before, so I was excited to get the chance to see her play live and just for me! Here are some photos of her band, The Still Voice :
Good times, my friends, good times. And now I shall backtrack to where I last left you : Anaheim, CA! Saturday, we were at a venue called The Chain Reaction. It's pretty small, but lots of bands have played there, so it was exciting for the guys to have the chance to play there. First band of the evening : La Dispute.
That's the only photo I was happy with of them. Honestly, Chain Reaction was a difficult club to shoot in! The place was small and packed full of people. Not a lot of room to maneuver and whatnot. Excuses, excuses, but it's the truth. Here's Lee writing out the set list for the evening :
Therefore I Am played second and really stirred things up in the crowd :
I've been trying to get a decent shot of Alex jumping like that for the past few tours. He's unpredictable. I'm always on the wrong side. This is the closest I came to awesome. Jim, unfortunately, looks kind of like a posessed duck - ha!
I wanted to try to shoot from side stage, which was accessible down this narrow hallway and up a few stairs. Clearly, I wasn't the only one that wanted a decent view. It was basically cramped everywhere in that club!
I was pumped and kinda nervous to watch Trash Talk. California is their turf, so it was anyone's guess what the crowd was going to be like. I was betting on brutal.
This might be one of my favorite shots of the tour :
Lee passed the mic to....
... Adam!
For as squished and crazy as that crowd was, I think they may have been the smiliest bunch of the entire tour.
Garrett likes Colin :
During Alexisonfire's set a couple of crazy doods decided to boldly go where I've never seen a crowd surfer go before : boogie boarding!
Well done, boys. I like that you opted to use a foam board, too. That's really planning ahead and being considerate of those beneath you. I definitely enjoyed watching that... twice!
A little post-show relaxation, just hanging with friends. Can't beat it.
... Although, Wade had an emotional moment ... hehehehe
After the show I spent a little time chatting with a few friends from Warped Tour; the amazingly gifted photographer, Lisa Johnson, and new photographer/videographer/bassist from Saosin, Mr. Chris Sorensen. Lisa said he looks like a paparazzo. She's kind of right, no?
That night we stayed at our merch guy / buddy / awesome dood's house in Costa Mesa : Greg Mills, baby. He and his girlfriend Alicia made us a seriously slamming breakfast in the morning : Greg's Eggs and chipotle homefries. Wish I had some of that right now!
From there we made our way to the legendary Troubadour. We arrived just as Alexisonfire started their soundcheck.
Here they're jamming out to a little Rush. I giggled because it made me think of that movie I Love You, Man. "Slappa de bass, mon!"
Some people warm up before they play. If you're Alex, you cool off.
Bumped into Brad Delava in the pit! Yeah, dood!
La Dispute. Jordan was sick, and getting sicker; you'd never know it, though.
Shooting at the Troubadour : challenging. Many a-photo was ruined by someone else's photo. (Yeah, I know I'm whining. So what?)
Trash Talk. I wasn't especially happy with my photos from that show, so this is all you get.
There were a bunch of people hanging out backstage before Alexisonfire went on. Dallas's wife was out and had her friend Hilary Duff over to visit and watch the show. Yes, that's correct, thee Hilary Duff. I was told not to ask her for photos. She had bodyguards. It was kind of weird, really. So while I was not shooting her, I shot some nice candids of the guys before they went on:
Here's a not-so-nice-but-really-funny photo of Chris and Travis hanging with our friend AJ. You may remember her from way back when we were in Toronto. She's awesome. As are the expressions on their faces here - hahaha!
Alexisonfire tore it up!
Many, many technical difficulties with the bass. Thankfully, Vass was right there to let them borrow his equipment. What a guy, eh?
There were also some crazy issue with Wade's pedals being unplugged by some very graceful security guards. No matter, though, because they played a great set.
The next day was to be my very last day. So sad. I don't wanna talk about it. Here's Al backstage at Slim's in San Francisco. Glasses provided by Sam from Trash Talk. Borderline creepy, right?
Look how nice Sam looks with that sharp haircut and those neat glasses. He's just a swell guy!
La Dispute went on first.
Therefore I Am
Do what he tells you people. Otherwise, you may wind up with a red-headed midget all up in your face, physically forcing you to do what he told you.
Next up : Trash Talk. This was their home show.
Adam and Garrett love eachother.
Here's a shot I've been trying to get all tour :
A little down time before Alexisonfire were to play. I had to get a few last hangs in there.
Awwww, Dallas...
Lee wuz here.
Garrett introduced me to his parents. Here he is with his mom, who is one of the warmest, sweetest people I've ever met. No handshakes, she just went straight for the hugs. Oh, how I love hugs. Garrett, I love your mom.
I didn't really shoot much when Alexisonfire played. I was too busy watching for one last time.
I also bothered old Juice one last time. I found him behind the merch booth with this beautiful lady. That's his girlfriend. Juice is a lucky man.
And then that was that. Poof! Show was over and it was time for me to go bye-bye. I hate how quickly the last day comes and goes on tour! Not that I'm not excited for the Country Throwdown tour, but maaaaaan! I didn't want to leave!
So, now I have to get a little sappy because that's just who I am.
To everyone on the tour, thank you so much for letting me be a part of your world.
Alexisonfire : You have to be one of the most consistently awesome live bands I've ever seen. I could, and did, watch you every day. Thank you for Olive Garden and hangs and humor. I like dancing with you, Wade. I still have my homeless guy bead, Dallas. Nobody's as much fun to watch as Steele. Someone please send Stu on a mandatory vacation (haha). And hug Juice.
Trash Talk : I love that you think I'm weird. I also really love hugging you. And making you uncomfortable. Wanna dance? Oh, and Adam - you still totally owe me that non-date. Just sayin...
La Dispute : I loved our adventure to Salton Sea and Salvation Mountain. I love your weird butt-touching thing and rose pop and the sweet hugs. I love how quickly we all became such great friends. You'd better keep in touch! And someone please get Jordan some new shoes.
Therefore I Am : I don't know if I've ever believed in a band as much as I believe in you guys. You're gross and smelly, but you're the real deal and you're worth it. I hope you'll still let me tag along when people start recognizing you in malls in the middle of nowhere. Love you, doods. Hangs for life.
... And now I bid you goodnight. I must ride into the sunset like the cowboys do, for it is country time... Wish me luck! (And expect some epic people-watching blogs to follow!)
1 comment:
Holy crap! Thanks so much Erin! I had a blast with you, you are the awesomest of awesomeness! I just finally had a chance to read this. I love it so much, I'm gonna tweet about it.
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