Wednesday, April 28, 2010

April 28, 2010 - Getting Social in Orlando

I'm feeling a bit nostalgic right now as I sit here in Orlando, FL in a club called "The Social." I've been here before once upon a time when I visited my friends Olivia and Kat. We saw a band called Virgos Merlot. Oh, how I loved them. I loved my friends, too. Still do!

I've set up a little office for myself in the one nook I could find with a power strip. Travis is computing across from me. Venture Guitars keeps him very, very busy.


Trash Talk joins the tour today. They finally made it back! In the battle of Trash Talk vs. Volcanic Ash, Trash Talk totally kicked ash... (Get it? Yeah, it's bad, I know. Shut up.)


Also joining me in my little computer nook is Wade. He is being responsible today and paying his rent via the interweb. 'Atta boy, Wade!


Earlier today we managed to find a little time to hit the beach back in Daytona, where we stayed the night at they guys' friend Manly's. The sand was super fine and soft, and the sun was blazing. Such a beautiful day!


We also met up with Travis's sister, Michal. She has the best smile; such perfect, white teeth!


Beach babes: Manly, Brian and Greg.


Last night in West Palm was a good time, aside from the humidity in the club from all of the sweaty bodies and the stink of cigarettes. I really hate it when they allow smoking in bars. The club we were at, Ground Control, was actually a billiard as well. Everyone seemed to enjoy a little friendly pool-playing.



Therefore I Am played first, so I weaseled my way up to the front to snap a few photos...



... but I wound up giving up only a few songs in because I was literally dripping with sweat. It was gross, man. I couldn't bear to go up for La Dispute's set. It was so crowded and sweaty and people were moshing around and crowd surfing. I just couldn't do it. I mean, look at how soaked Brad was after playing :


Here's Stu working with the house soundboard. It seemed a little wonky to me, but he worked his magic.


While Alexisonfire was getting ready to play, some of the La Dispute and Therefore I Am guys made good use of their time and read my blog. See that, readers? You're in good company!


Travis was busy in the bar while everyone else was reading.


I braved the crowd and worked my way up to the front to try to shoot Alexisonfire.



... and that was about all I could stand. You can call me a wuss all you want, I really hate getting sweaty. Especially when you wind up drenched in other peoples' sweat. No thank you, man. Two photos is all you get today. I opted to hang at the bar in the other room with the rest of the guys.


Alex, the promoter of the club, was so stoked on the show and how cool everyone was that he bought us all a few pitchers of beer. Things got interesting...


Peoples true feelings started coming out...


... and then La Dispute showed us this weird bonding exercise of theirs where they touch their bare bottoms to each others' bare bottoms. Dood butt touching. I'm not sure how I feel about this.


... but they LOVE it!


Ok, so I admit it; the butt-touching thing is pretty hilarious. Just don't expect me to EVER participate in that group activity. Noooooo! I'll gladly take photos, though. Too funny!

The lights have just dimmed down here in the club. It's 6:59, which means doors will open within the next minute or so. Time to pack it up for the night! I'll let you know if anything cool happens tonight...

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